Not Quite Midweek at Midtown
This week’s church newsletter.
This week’s church newsletter.
What daily Masses will be like with one priest.
This week’s church newsletter.
St. Joan of Arc 8:30 AM 1:30 PM (schools) 6:00 PM St. Thomas More 7:00 AM 8:15 AM (school) 5:30 PM
When I was a young girl, I went to many high school football games. At halftime, the cheerleaders, who were feverishly rooting for their team to outdo the opposition, would run across the field, join hands with the visiting team’s cheerleaders and introduce themselves to one another. They would chat for a while and then…
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Daily Mass Schedule If you are a daily Mass goer at either parish, pay close attention to the Mass schedule for Monday and Tuesday of next week. With Fr. Frank out of town for a well-deserved vacation, we put a daily Mass schedule together that only requires one priest so we don’t have a hire…
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Has anyone ever told you that you are friendly? Called you a gracious host? A warm welcomer? If not, then please read the rest of the article. If you are, I still invite you to attend our hospitality training Sunday, February 13th, at 9 am, in the St. Joan of Arc Teachers’ Lounge. We are…
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Mass Attendance Many have asked how attendance was for our first weekend with the new Mass schedule. We had a total of 690 attend on the weekend of February 5/6, 2022. To give you some perspective, our January 2022 average was 712. The January 2021 average was 522. Thank you to everyone who have had…
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The best thing I heard recently was something from one of our RCIA candidates. Let me give you some context first. At one of the St. Joan of Arc Masses, I mentioned the not-so-pleasant fact that six people would leave the Church for every one person who becomes Catholic this year in the United States.…
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Catholic schools, at their core, are designed to surround students in the Catholic faith daily. Through this routine of prayer, liturgy, faith instruction, and service to others, we prepare students to make Christ-like decisions and live their faith daily. Catholic schools have a reputation for academic rigor, and that is something for which we can…
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