MidWeek Update 1/11

Mission Statement
The Mission Statement of the Archdiocese of Omaha:
One Church: Encountering Jesus, Equipping Disciples, and Living Mercy.
The Parish Council and Staff has dedicated this year to learning the mission statement of our Archdiocese and our community. Throughout the year, we will be breaking down the separate parts of the mission statement. Our goal is for everyone to be able to know and recite the Mission statement by the end of the year. It is a fitting time to reflect on the idea of one church as the week of Christian Unity is this month (From the 18th to the 25th of January.)
Write the mission statement down. Pray with it throughout the day. This mission has the ability to revive our parish communities. “Bear in mind these teachings. Drill them into your children, and your children’s children. Speak of them at home and abroad, whether you are busy or at rest. When you lie down and when you rise.” (Duet. 6:6-7)

A lot of our parish communications are now going out on flock note, it is likely the system that send you this newsletter. More of our small group leaders are using it for communications. If you are in the parish directory you are likely in the system, but you can log in through the app or at flocknote.com with your email or cell number. From there you can join different groups and be sure you are getting the latest communications.

Fr. Jindra’s Class
Fr. Jindra’s class starts this weekend after the 4:30 Mass at St. Thomas More. I would recommend bringing a notebook, pen, and (if you have one) a copy of the Catechism.

A large-scale issue is going on with the printer of our contribution envelopes. Many of our parishioners have not gotten their envelopes in months. While we are troubleshooting the issue, it is larger than just our parish.
Those in our parish family who use envelopes and those who receive the newsletter are likely not the same crowd. If you know a friend or family member who is having trouble, please have them contact the parish office for a temporary solution or help them get set up with WeShare to donate electronically.
St. Thomas More: Give (wesharegiving.org)
St. Joan of Arc: Give (wesharegiving.org)

KoC Family Movie Night
STM Knights of Columbus will be hosting our monthly movie night once again on Monday January 16th! This month we will be showing TOY STORY! Thanks again for your help and support!

Pro-Life Corn Hole Tournament
Do you and your friends like cornhole? Do you have interest in a corn hole tournament that supports a good cause? Immaculate Conception Church is planning on hosting a pro-life tournament on February 4th after their 9 a.m. Mass.
Contact Josef Stark jstark@vireoresources.com if you are interested in entering.

More di Gras
The St. Thomas More gala is approaching. You should receive a formal invitation in the mail to attend. If you do not receive one in the next two weeks and would like to attend, please send an email to moredigras@gmail.com