4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

Author: frlorig

Midweek at Midtown – March 24

The Weekly Parish Newsletter

Midweek at Midtown – March 16

2nd Collection This week, we are taking up a second collection. March 19-20 is the USCCB Collection to Aid the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, which will allow the faithful to give critical and timely humanitarian aid to the victims of war in Ukraine. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by the…
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Midweek at Midtown – March 9

This week’s church newsletter.

Rite of Election and Call to Conversion

This weekend marks the beginning of a new phase for those participating in RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. In other words, RCIA is a course for those who wish to become Catholic. To clear up any confusion especially for outsiders, we call it the Becoming Catholic class here at Midtown Catholic. This…
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Not Quite Midweek at Midtown

This week’s church newsletter.

Journey of Faith: Daily Masses

What daily Masses will be like with one priest.

Midweek at Midtown – February 23

This week’s church newsletter.

Ash Wednesday Masses

St. Joan of Arc 8:30 AM 1:30 PM (schools) 6:00 PM St. Thomas More 7:00 AM 8:15 AM (school) 5:30 PM

Sewing Bonds and Serving Others

When I was a young girl, I went to many high school football games. At halftime, the cheerleaders, who were feverishly rooting for their team to outdo the opposition, would run across the field, join hands with the visiting team’s cheerleaders and introduce themselves to one another. They would chat for a while and then…
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Midweek at Midtown – February 16

Daily Mass Schedule If you are a daily Mass goer at either parish, pay close attention to the Mass schedule for Monday and Tuesday of next week. With Fr. Frank out of town for a well-deserved vacation, we put a daily Mass schedule together that only requires one priest so we don’t have a hire…
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