MidWeek Update 10/4

St. Thomas More Parish Festival
Sunday October 8th from Noon to 8 p.m.
Community, games, food, music, and prizes.
St. Vincent de Paul Coat Drive
October 1st – October 8th (Both Parishes)
Please donate new or gently used coats, hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves for children and adults by placing them in the marked boxes in the gathering areas of both churches. All donations will support the annual SVdP Coat Giveaway on November 4th. To make a financial contribution or for information on volunteering for this event, go to SSVPomaha.org or contact Diane Mead at
diane.mead@rdmead.com or 402.689.6450.

The SJA Ladies Guild and Midtown Catholic are once again sponsoring a diaper drive to benefit the St. Augustine Indian Mission. Thurston County, the location of the mission, is one of the poorest counties in Nebraska. Many of the mothers here cannot afford diapers and try to reuse them as much as possible. Please join us in collecting diapers for these families in need. The mission can use all diaper sizes but especially sizes 5 & 6. Diaper Drive boxes will be in the lobbies of both SJA and STM the entire month of October. Monetary donations are also welcome and will be used to purchase diapers. Make checks payable to SJA Ladies Guild.
Drop checks in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Diaper Drive.” Call Jean Nauss with questions, 402.507.6600. Thank You in advance for your generosity and support!
Mass Intentions for 2024
Instructions and Mass Request forms
will be available at both church sites
this weekend. We will begin accepting
Mass Intention Requests for 2024 by
mail on October 2, 2023 for both SJA
and STM, and walk ins, email, or phone
requests beginning November 15,
2023. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Archdiocese of Omaha Vocations Office in partnership with Spirit Catholic Radio is leading a month-long rally in October to help encourage young men and women discerning vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We will seek to pray 50,000 rosaries for vocations this month asking Our Lady’s intercession in support of them and for our united effort to foster vocations.
F.A.R. High School Youth Program
Evangelium Institute (EI) in cooperation with the JPII Newman Center on the UNO Campus would like to invite interested high school youth to take part in a quarterly series of presentations and discussions called Faith And Reason (FAR). These short presentations are based on topics provided by local teenagers in a recent survey and will begin with a presentation and conclude with Q&A. Parents are welcome to attend. Sunday Mass will take place at JPII Newman at 8:30pm on each of these evenings and attendees are invited to participate in Mass if they wish. Registration is required for these events due to safe environment requirements. More information may be found at the following link:

Fr. Baumert on the High Seas

Dear friends,
As many of you have heard, I will be leaving for vacation this week. I fly to Fort Lauderdale early Friday morning. On Saturday I’ll board the Zaandam, which is a ship in the Holland America Cruise Line. I’ll be the chaplain for the 10-week cruise and have daily Mass for the passengers and Mass once a week for the crew. Holland America is the only cruise line that tries to have a priest on board each of their ships.
I’ve done over 16 cruises but never one this long, but don’t worry I won’t get lonely. One of my projects is to rework the book that I wrote five years ago. I want to add a few chapters and clarify things that need it. Hopefully it will then be closer to being ready to publish.
Otherwise I pray, read, eat, sleep, exercise, and this time write, to be repeated daily. I’ll be doing shore excursions to many countries and hopefully even hang out with penguins in Antarctica.
As I mentioned to some of you and to the Archbishop I will be taking up to three months of vacation each year. This is my first attempt at this goal. I won’t always be doing this in large chunks each year.
For this cruise I’ll have limited phone, text, and email access. If everything goes well I’ll be back on 12/20. I’ll be praying for you, please pray for me. Many of my Mass intentions will be for you.
God bless you,
Fr. Frank Baumert

Saint Quote
“We shall truly only bear fruit outwardly according to the measure of the supernatural intensity of our inner life.” Blessed Columba Marmion