MidWeek Update 9/13
Becoming Catholic Starts Tonight
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Thomas More. All are Welcome!
Please keep the candidates in your prayers.
Registration Still Open for Family Formation
We had a great opening night last week, with the most families we have ever had! Thank you to our new Catechists for joining the team.
There is still a little bit of space if you and your family would like to grow in faith together! Learn more here.
More than ever before, young people are asking questions about life and meaning. With Alpha, you can create a space for them to wrestle with their thoughts and share their opinions in a safe and friendly environment.
Starts September 14th at St. Thomas More. Ages 13-18 are welcome. Adult Alpha will be going on at the same time.
Saint Quote
“There is nothing colder than a Christian who does not seek to save others.” St. John Chrysostom