Midweek at Midtown 6/28

Midtown Catholic is a community of two parishes in the Archdiocese of Omaha. We are One Church: Encountering Jesus, Equipping Disciples, and Living Mercy.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
This July, we will be posting information on our St. Vincent de Paul Society. They are a society in the church dedicated to helping our neighbors in need. A society at a parish helps those within the parish boundary.
In the spirit our patron, St. Vincent de Paul, we offer hope and help in striving to connect the disconnected to resources they need. This may include rent, utilities, major expenses, and access or referrals to additional services. We support other local conferences with larger needs and support the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.
The work of St. Vincent de Paul is important to our parish and Catholic value of Living Mercy. Interested in helping? Contact the parish office to see how you can support. We will continue to share information about what SVdP does in the weeks to come!
Totus Tuus
We are so excited to announce that Totus Tuus will be returning to Midtown Catholic July 9-14 2023! This is an incredible fun-filled week where college age missionaries and seminarians travel to our parish to teach youth about Christ through prayer, games, songs, and more. Registration is open now. You can register and learn more here.

Parish Director
We are in search of someone to lead our staff at Midtown Catholic. If you, or someone you know is passionate about our two communities, please direct them to the job description and posting here: careers.archomaha.org/career-view/1837/
SJA/Dual Language Golf Outing
July 15th at 12:15 p.m.
Please join us in supporting SJA & DLA schools by signing up up for a fun day of golf and hanging out with friends. The format is a four-person scramble. Every bit counts, so we are looking forward to your support. Grab a group of four friends and join us for an afternoon of fun!
Sign up here
Any questions, contact Jeff Swanson: jeffgswanson@gmail.com / 402-612-8306

Registration for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
CGS is a beautiful, hands-on approach to sharing the faith with children. Children who are going to preschool thru 4th grade at STM this fall will attend sessions during the school week and do not need to register. All other 4–6-year-old children may register for the Saturday Level 1 sessions which meet every other week at STM school from 9:30-11 am Children ages 6-12 may register for the Sunday Level 2 or 3 sessions which will be held from 8:30-10:15 am every other week. Class size is limited and first come will be registered first.
If you are interested, please email Kathy Pflug at pflugdozen@gmail.com
The First Omaha Catholic Songwriter’s Night
Friday, July 28th 8 pm St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
The event is open to Catholic songwriters and to all who are interested in Catholic music. Those wishing to perform should email 1 or 2 song sound files and lyric sheets of original songs or hyms that are Catholic in nature by July 10 to hannahkeisling@gmail.com
Selected participants will be notified by July 20th

Saint Quote
For the glory of God is a man fully alive; and the life of man consists in beholding God. For if the manifestation of God, which is made by means of the creation, affords life to all living in the earth, much more does that revelation of the Father which comes through the Word, give life to those who see God. ~Saint Irenaeus, Against Heresies 4.20.7
(We celebrate the Feast Day of this Bishop and early Church Father today, June 28th)
Miss Father’s homily? Sign up for Fr. Jindra’s podcast: Father Frank’s Think Tank (buzzsprout.com)