MidWeek at Midtown 3/29

Midtown Catholic is a community of two parishes in the Archdiocese of Omaha. We are One Church: Encountering Jesus, Equipping Disciples, and Living Mercy.

See our Lenten Schedule here. Plan your Holy week and go experience the healing power of reconciliation. Stations of the cross at both parishes this Friday.
Reconciliation Services are this Saturday and next Tuesday.
Bulletin Submission Dates
We have been asked to submit our next 3 bulletins to the printers earlier than normal due to Holy Week. Please check your calendar and keep these dates in mind if you want something in the bulletin.
Information for the April 2nd bulletin must be submitted to me by March 24th.
Information for the April 9th bulletin must be submitted to me by March 30th.
Information for the April 16th bulletin must be submitted to me by April 10th.

Serve the Community with STM That Man is You!
This serve day, we hope to have at least 10 volunteers! We will be volunteering at the Heart Ministry Center. The Heart Ministry Center is on 24th St between Binney and Wirt in North Omaha, right next to Sacred Heart Church. They have a food distribution program, healthcare clinic, job placement program and discount laundromat. We will be helping with their food distribution program. We will check in at 8:30am and from 9am to Noon, we will be helping members of the community as they shop in the grocery store style pantry and help load the groceries into their vehicles.
Enter through the East pantry doors on 24th and Wirt. Street parking is available.
Call with questions or to reserve a spot. Woody – 651-353-6243 or email at william.diederich@thrivent.com
Mass for Vocations
6:00 PM on April 17 at St. Matthew in Bellevue
The Serra Club of West Omaha invites you to join us for a special Mass for Vocations at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 17, at St. Matthew Catholic Church, 12330 S. 36th Street in Bellevue, to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life within the Archdiocese of Omaha. Mass will be celebrated by Father Frank Baumert, Serra Chaplain. After Mass, stay for our Meeting & Mixer and learn from our speaker, Deacon Tom Deall, about his call to serve our Lord, his enlightening spiritual experiences along the way, and why prayer for vocations is so vital to the future of the Catholic Church, especially at this unique time in history. Everyone is welcome! Light refreshments and sweets will be provided. If you are interested in helping to build the Church locally through vocations support, contact Bruce Jefferies, Serra VP, at westomaha@serrainternational.org. Learn more at serrawestomaha.org and follow us on Facebook @serrawestomaha.

Archdiocesan Chrism Mass
The Archbishop will bless the sacred oils used for Confirmation, Baptism, and Anointing of the Sick at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Cecilia Cathedral on Monday, April 3rd
LIFE Runners “All In Christ for Pro–Life!” Banquet
6pm, Fri, Mar 31st, St. Elizabeth Event Center, Omaha.
Keynote Speaker John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News co-founder (Canada). Emcee is Jen Brown, KVSS Spirit Mornings Show. Benefits LIFE Runners ministry work in 3,367 cities around the world, impacting hearts & minds for saving lives! Limited seating. Details at liferunners.org/banquet.

Saint Quote

Saint Quote
“In times of desolation you should never make a change, but stand firm in the resolutions and decisions that guided you the day before the desolation.” -St. Ignatius of Loyola
Miss part of Father’s homily? Sign up for Fr. Jindra’s podcast: Father Frank’s Think Tank (buzzsprout.com)