4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

MidWeek at Midtown 3/22

MidWeek at Midtown 3/22

Midtown Catholic is a community of two parishes in the Archdiocese of Omaha. We are One Church: Encountering Jesus, Equipping Disciples, and Living Mercy.


See our Lenten Schedule here. Plan your Holy week and go experience the healing power of reconciliation. Stations of the cross at both parishes this Friday.

First Communion for St. Joan of Arc this Sunday

First Communion for St. Joan of Arc is this Sunday at 1 p.m. Please pray for all our first communicants at both parishes.

ST. Thomas More Mac and Cheese

Mac and Cheese Dinner this Friday at St. Thomas More starting at 5 p.m.

Easter egg hunt sponsored by the St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus this Saturday (March 25th) from 9-10 a.m. at Pipal Park

Help Wanted

Midtown Catholic is still looking for a maintenance associate to help at St. Joan of Arc. Please send any questions or resumes to Jsmcvay@jsmcvayarchomahaorg

Bulletin Submission Dates

We have been asked to submit our next 3 bulletins to the printers earlier than normal due to Holy Week.  Please check your calendar and keep these dates in mind if you want something in the bulletin.

Information for the April 2nd bulletin must be submitted to me by March 24th.

Information for the April 9th bulletin must be submitted to me by March 30th.

Information for the April 16th bulletin must be submitted to me by April 10th.

After that, until November, we will be back on a more predictable schedule (7-9 days ahead).  For example, information for the April 23rd bulletin should be submitted to me by April 17th

LIFE Runners “All In Christ for ProLife!” Banquet 

6pm, Fri, Mar 31st, St. Elizabeth Event Center, Omaha. 

Keynote Speaker John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News co-founder (Canada). Emcee is Jen Brown, KVSS Spirit Mornings Show. Benefits LIFE Runners ministry work in 3,367 cities around the world, impacting hearts & minds for saving lives!  Limited seating.  Details at liferunners.org/banquet.  

Saint Quote

Any time spent before the Eucharistic presence, be it long or short, is the best-spent time of our lives. – St. Catherine of Genoa

Sign up for Fr. Jindra’s podcast: Father Frank’s Think Tank (buzzsprout.com)