4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

Totus Tuus

What is Totus Tuus?
Save the Date: June 8-13, 2025

This is an incredible fun-filled week where college age missionaries and seminarians travel to our parish to teach youth about Christ through prayer, games, songs, and more. Follow our bulletin, newsletter, and social media for more details.



Totus Tuus takes place each year at one of our parishes

There are two sessions of Totus Tuus that will occur during the week:  An elementary session and a teen session.
The 1st through 6th grade group meets Monday through Friday from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Lunch is not included. Kids are asked to bring a sack lunch.

The 7th through 12th Grade group meets Sunday through Thursday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Dinner will not be provided except for on Sunday.

Each year we need several adult and teen volunteers to make Totus Tuus happen. Please consider volunteering for one or more of the following opportunities:

– Housing: Four young adult missionaries from the Archdiocese who visit our parish to put on this program need a place to stay for the week.
– Meals: We provide lunch and dinner for our missionaries at the parish each day that they are here, and need a volunteer for each meal.
– Middle and high school helpers: We encourage youth who attend the evening program to help out during the day program. It’s a great way to earn service hours.
– Adult volunteers for the day program: We need at least one adult each day helping with the 1st through 6th grade program (supervising doors, sign in, classrooms, lunch). This person must be safe environment trained. Safe environment training is provided by the Archdiocese for no cost.

Check out all the fun we had in 2022!

Totus Tuus
Frequently Asked Questions

– Where will Totus Tuus Take place? one of our parishes, either St. Joan of Arc or St. Thomas More
– When will Totus Tuus Take place? Dates are announced each Spring in our bulletin and on social media. For 2025, we will have Totus Tuus June 8th-13th.
– Which session should my child attend? If your child is going into 1st through 6th grades, they should plan to attend the day program on Monday through Friday. If your child is going into 7th through 12th grades, they should attend the evening program on Sunday through Thursday.
– Is there a cost for my child to participate? There is a $15 per child registration fee.
– How do we register and when does registration open? Registration takes place online each year, and will open in May.
– Is there a registration deadline? We accept registrations until the day Totus Tuus begins OR until all slots have been filled.
– I tried to register but there are no more spots available, what can I do? You can contact the parish office to be put on the waitlist.
– Are meals and snacks provided for the day program? Lunch and snacks will not be provided, we ask that your child bring a sack lunch and water bottle. We also ask that each family bring a snack to share, and these will be used throughout the week during designated snack breaks.
– Are meals and snacks provided for the evening program? Dinner will be provided for the teens on Sunday night during the special social event. However, the rest of the week’s dinners will NOT be provided, so your child should plan to eat before the program and bring a water bottle if need be. We also ask that your child bring a snack to share, and these snacks will be used throughout the week during designated snack breaks.
– Is there a dress code? Dress is casual, your child should wear something comfortable that they can move in!
– Can I volunteer? Yes! We need volunteers or else Totus Tuus can’t happen. There will be a spot on the registration form where you can indicate what opportunities you may be interested in, and someone from the parish office will contact you with more information at the dates get closer.