4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

Grow Here

You are invited to “Grow Here” in the following ways.
The just shall flourish like the palm tree,
shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
– Psalm 92:13

Groups and Classes Available


There are lots of us who are unsure about where and how Christianity fits into our lives today. Alpha is a place to take an honest look at life, faith and meaning.


Becoming Catholic

Interested in or considering joining the Catholic faith?


Bible Studies

Would you like to lead or join a Bible Study?  Click one of the links below to get started!


Family Formation

Learn more about our religious education program for the whole family!


That Man is You!

That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. Every Saturday morning at 6 am in the STM Media Cafeteria.


Moms Group

Join other parish mothers every other Monday starting on August 19th, 9-10:30 am at St. Joan of Arc Office. All moms are welcome, bring your children!


Knights of Columbus

Both parishes have a Knights of Columbus Council comprised of Catholic men putting their faith in action to defend, serve, & protect families. 


STM Men’s Club

Join with other men in the parish for fellowship and service projects.


Becoming Catholic

The Becoming Catholic Course is for those interested in becoming Catholic. Traditionally known as RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the content of the program centers on teaching about the Catholic faith, its beliefs, doctrines, practices, and traditions in a loving, caring, welcoming faith community. For many, this process leads them to seek full membership in the Catholic Church.

Schedule: Sessions are held about twice a month from September through Easter.



What is Alpha?
The Alpha Course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. The course meets once per week for 10 weeks. Each session, people enjoy a simple meal, laughter and learning about the person and teachings of Jesus in a fun and non-threatening atmosphere where no question about life or God is too simple or too hostile.

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for anyone: all backgrounds, religions and viewpoints. Everyone is welcome. The Alpha course has proved to be an effective tool for awakening faith in people who are on the fringe of parish life, faithful Catholics and those outside the faith.


St. Thomas More Knights of Columbus
Fr. Clement Bracht Council No. 10184

The STM Knights of Columbus are committed to the support of our church and community. To that end we often hold pancake breakfasts to raise funds and promote socializing with our guests. The funds we raise are used to provide high school scholarships to two graduating STM students, support for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program at STM, support for various pro-life organizations, etc. We conduct a “Tootsie Roll drive” to raise funds for people with intellectual disabilities. We hold blood drives to support the Red Cross in its urgent need for an adequate blood supply. An annual “Knights & Wives Dinner” and a family potluck are examples of our own social events. Our council also has a website (kc10184.wordpress.com) with some basic information for our council.


St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus
Council 9918

The SJA Knights have many fundraisers to support the parish and school. 


STM Men’s Club

The St. Thomas More Men’s Club welcomes all men of the parish and school to attend our meetings on the first Monday of the month (September-May) at 7PM in the STM cafeteria. We receive updates about the Church and School during the first half of the meeting, and we provide dinner and refreshments during the second half. Men’s Club gives members a chance to network with other men in the parish and school community. We host STM Night Golf, STM Golf “Fore” Athletics, the bar at fish fry’s, and volunteer for all events in our parish community.