4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

Midweek Update 12/7

Midweek Update 12/7

Mission Continues

Join us for the second week of our Advent Mission after Mass on Sunday! We had a great turnout and discussion last week and are excited to meet again this Sunday.

St. Thomas More meets in the church

St. Joan of Arc will meet in the Library

Miss last week? Get caught up by watching the first episode on Formed!

Watch Catholic Videos on Formed.org

Formed is an online streaming platform similar to Netflix and others, but with all Catholic content! Many informative videos on the Sacraments and Mission of the Church, as well as other works such as movies about the saints, children’s shows, and now The Chosen! Registering is now easier than ever. To register:

  1. Go to FORMED.org/signup
  2. Enter your parish zip code or name to select your parish
  3. Enter your name and email

Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is a Solemnity, and therefore, a Holy Day of Obligation!

Mass times are as follows:

6 pm TONIGHT (December 7th) at 6:00 pm St. Thomas More

STM: 7 and 8:15 am

SJA: 8:30 am and 6 pm

Scheduling Mass Intentions

Scheduling Mass intentions for either SJA or STM are BY MAIL REQUEST ONLY until January 2nd. After that, you can call or walk in with requests. Blank request forms are in the vestibule at each church and at Midtown Catholic Office, 4804 Grover.

Young Adult Holy Hour at the Cathedral- Friday Dec. 9th

A monthly faith event for young adults. If you wish to attend or invite others to Veni, it will be hosted on the second Friday of every month, 7:30-9 pm at St. Cecilia Cathedral, with a social gathering afterward. All young adults (single, married or consecrated) who are 22-39 are welcome to attend Veni, as the meaning in Latin simply bids: “Come!”

St. Thomas More Pancake Breakfast- 8:30-Noon

This Sunday in the Social Hall. Join us for some pancakes!

Would you like your group or event on the Midweek update? Please send submissions to tjsimpson@midtowncatholic.church