Midweek Update 9/28
Events Happening This Week and Upcoming at Midtown Catholic
The Midweek update is back. Please send all propositions and concerns to tjsimpson@midtowncatholic.church

Voting on Mass time continues this weekend.
Be sure to attend Mass at one of our two churches to help inform the Pastors and Parish council on our preference for a different Mass time. We need to adjust so that one priest can say all four Masses.

St. Vincent de Paul Pantry Collection- both parishes this weekend.
Bring non-perishable food items to church this weekend to share with the less fortunate. Appreciated items include rice, beans, cereals, hamburger helper, oatmeal, pancake mix, peanut butter jelly, pasta sauce, canned meat, macaroni & cheese, toilet paper, dish and laundry soap, and diapers.

Blessing of Pets from 2-2:30 Sunday at St. Thomas More
Youth Choir Practice Thursday
5:30-6:15 p.m. at St. Thomas More. Your kids can still join. Contact Rachel Bielstein at rjbielstein@midtowncatholic.church for more info.

October is Month of the Rosary
Symbol of Hate? Rearview mirror decor? Sacramental? Find our here: The History of the Rosary – Catholicism.org
Join us in praying the Rosary at 6 p.m.:
Tuesday Nights Queen of Peace Garden at SJA
Sunday Nights St. Thomas More

Volunteer! Winter Coat Give Away- November 5
St. Vincent de Paul Society is looking for helpers on November 5th to help give out coats at the Omaha Home for Boys from 8 am to 1 pm. Send an email to coats@svdpomaha.com
Donate NEW or GENTLY USED coats for children and adults at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift stores or Gloria Deo Store. Financial Contributions welcome at svdpomaha.com/donate