Midweek at Midtown – May 25
Midtown Parish Council
The Midtown Catholic Parish Council will be meeting on Tuesday, May 31st at 7pm. We’ll be meeting in St. Joan of Arc’s Teachers’ Lounge. An agenda has not been formalized but here are the likely topics: new board members, Journey of Faith pastoral planning, and finalizing the new council bylaws.
There are a few people who have expressed interest in becoming a council member, which is great. Anyone else? Here’s an application.
Ascension Masses

Wednesday at 5:30 PM at St. Thomas More
Thursday at 7:00 AM at St. Thomas More
Thursday at 8:15 AM at St. Thomas More
Thursday at 8:30 AM at St. Joan of Arc
Thursday at 6:00 PM at St. Joan of Arc
(The Solemnity of the Ascension is a Holy Day of Obligation)
Did you know you can receive low-gluten communion hosts at any of our weekend Masses? The priest carries a special container of low-gluten hosts during communion time. When approaching the priest, just indicate to him that you would like to receive a low-gluten host. Easy peasy.