Midweek at Midtown: May 11th
EMHC & Lector Training
We are always in need of more people to serve as lectors and Extra Ordinary Ministers of Communion (EMHC). Please consider getting involved. Eligible candidates–practicing Catholics, in good standing, at least a rising junior in high school–can register at this link.
The archdiocesan portion of this formation is online and the timing is flexible.
Teaching ‘Mass’

On Thursday, May 12 at 6:30pm at St. Thomas More Church Fr. Frank will will be doing a “teaching Mass” for our new Catholics who just joined the Church. While you may have experienced one of these during an actual Mass, Fr. Frank will not actually be celebrating the Mass. However, he will be going through every part of the Mass and giving a thorough explanation. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Office Walk-In Hours
Our walk-in office hours will be changing starting next week on May 16th. Walk-in office hours will be from 8am – 2pm, Monday – Friday.
Beginning May 27th, we begin our summer office hours, which means the office will close at 12pm on Fridays.
If you need anything after those hours, please call ahead.
Keeping Catholic Schools in our Neighborhoods
The Omaha Catholic Consortium Schools are fulfilling the mission of keeping schools in our neighborhoods. Please consider giving to the Consortium on May 18th.
The Joy of Giving day is ONE WEEK AWAY
On May 18, we hope you’ll show us your support during the Archdiocese of Omaha’s Joy of Giving Day!
All donations we receive during Joy of Giving will help:
- Increase teacher compensation rates and benefits
- Update our school buildings
- Offer more tuition assistance funds to families who desire a Catholic education
- Provide necessary funds to help cover operational expenses
Giving has begun! Advance donations are being accepted now through May 18.
More good news: Generous supporters have offered to match all gifts for the Joy of Giving! When you give, you will double the impact.