Midweek at Midtown: April 27
Parish Council

The combined parish councils of St. Thomas More and St. Joan of Arc have competed an update of the bylaws to officially become one Midtown Catholic Council. The new Council will have two vacancies next year. We are seeking two parishioners from St. Joan of Arc to fill those vacancies. Please let Fr. Lorig know if you are interested in serving our family of parishes in this capacity.
Parish Council Member Job Description
Parish Council Member Application
Parenting Faith
On Wednesday, May 4th, Midtown Catholic’s Family Formation program (Wednesday Night RE) will be hosting guest speakers for our final parent session of the year. We are opening this event to all interested adults in the parish, so please come join us and learn more about our Family Formation program!

This event will be held in the St. Thomas More School Cafeteria from 6:15 to 7:30pm. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer childcare for families who are not already part of the Family Formation program.
Our speakers are Tina Targy and Cathy Keisling, who will be sharing their experiences in parenting teenagers with a faith-based approach.
Tina Targy is the Events and Volunteer Coordinator at the Institute of Priestly Formation. She also is the Coordinator for the Christ Life program at her home parish, St. Mary’s of Bellevue, NE. She enjoys spending time with her family and participating in the Archdiocese of Omaha Mentorship program. Fun fact: Her son, Will, is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Omaha right now!
Cathy Keisling works at Boys Town. Fun fact: Her son, Eric, served as Midtown Catholic’s Director of Finance and Operations from 2021-2022 and another son, Sean, has served as the President of Roncalli since 2021!
For additional information and questions, please contact Rachel Bielstein at 402-556-1456 or rjbielstein@midtowncatholic.church.
Office Hours
Our walk-in office hours will be changing starting May 16th. Walk-in office hours will be from 8am – 2pm, Monday – Friday. Beginning May 27th, we begin our summer office hours, which means the office will close at 12pm on Fridays. If you need anything after those hours, please call ahead.
Kentucky Derby Party
This is not really a Kentucky Derby party, but you could call it that if you like. It will be an opportunity to get to know the people sitting around you at church. We are planning something new following the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas More on Saturday, May 7th. It is a social gathering in the parking lot, after Mass. Wine, beer, soda, water, cheese, crackers, and some deserts will be available. No cost. Please join us. Any questions? Call Joe Benes at 402-681-1062 or Jerry Hassett at 402-650-0360.
The Case for Jesus
TMIY (That Man Is You) Summer Game Plan

Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead? We will get started with “The Case for Jesus” series from Brant Pitre on Saturday, May 7th.
The TMIY Men’s Group meets every Saturday at 6am in the St. Thomas More cafeteria.
The series will run for nine weeks. Breakfast will always be served on the first Saturday of the month. The resurrection will always be a mystery to us. It is a matter of faith to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is the single most important detail of our faith. Paul mentioned a couple of times in his letters that our faith was a hoax, if Jesus did not rise from the dead. The series from Brant Pitre is a good mix of facts and faith. It is a great opportunity to augment our faith and improve our ability to speak to those who want to question the legitimacy of the Gospels. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Hassett at 402-650-0360.
Teaching Mass with Fr. Baumert
On Thursday, May 12 at 6:30pm at St. Thomas More Church Fr. Frank will will be doing a “teaching Mass” for our new Catholics who just joined the Church. While you may have experienced one of these during an actual Mass, Fr. Frank will not actually be celebrating the Mass. However, he will be going through every part of the Mass and giving a thorough explanation. Everyone is welcome to attend.