Midweek at Midtown – Octave of Easter
What does “Octave” mean?
The Easter Octave begins on Easter Sunday and ends on the Second Sunday of Easter of the Divine Mercy with every day being another solemnity or another “little Easter.” The current title for each of the octave is “Monday in the Octave of Easter,” “Tuesday in the Octave of Easter” etc., but commonly called “Easter Monday,” “Easter Tuesday,” and so forth. The Easter Octave “overrides” any other feasts on the calendar. (https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/easter-octave/)
Divine Mercy Sunday

Thank You
Fr. Frank and Fr. Lorig would like to say thank you to all those who made the Holy Triduum such a beautiful and prayerful experience for so many: the deacons, the musicians, the decorators, the readers, the servers, and so many more. It was just fantastic.
Pray for our Confirmation Candidates
Eighth Graders from both parishes and religious education will be confirmed this Friday night. “Come, Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Teaching Mass with Fr. Baumert
On Thursday, May 12 at 6:30pm at St. Thomas More Church Fr. Frank will will be doing a “teaching Mass” for our new Catholics who just joined the Church. While you may have experienced one of these during an actual Mass, Fr. Frank will not actually be celebrating the Mass. However, he will be going through every part of the Mass and giving a thorough explanation. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Crusade for Excellence at SJA
It’s time to get your tickets for the Crusade for Excellence Development Dinner. It’s St. Joan of Arc’s biennial parish and school fundraiser where you can enjoy an evening featuring dinner, auction and fellowship. The theme this year is “Gearing Up for Our Future.” All money raised will go towards the maintenance fund to make building improvements.
The dinner and auction are held after the 5:30pm mass on Saturday, April 30th. The silent auction is in the gym and the dinner and live auction are in the cafeteria. We would like all reservations in by the end of the week.
Purchase your tickets or make a donation using the following link: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/sjoaauction/register/
Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A45AEAD29ABFE3-development
Support fellow Midtown Catholics at the Crusade for Excellence Development Dinner at St. Joan of Arc!
Posted by St. Thomas More Catholic Church on Tuesday, April 19, 2022