Midweek at Midtown – January 26, 2022
Catholic Schools Week

This Sunday marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Our two parishes are responsible for the spiritual care of over 600 students at three Catholic schools: St. Joan of Arc School, St. Thomas More School, and the Dual Language Academy at St. Joan of Arc. Not only do we provide spiritual care (e.g. Mass, Reconciliation, sacrament preparation, classroom visits), but we also support St. Joan of Arc and St. Thomas More financially. Budget-wise, Catholics Schools are our highest priority. Your Sunday tithe and estate giving helps keep our schools viable and affordable. While a lot of time is spent focusing on the Catholic School students during Catholic Schools Week, we would like to give a shout out to our teachers who make so many sacrifices to work in our schools. With national headlines informing us about teacher shortages, burnout, and the dire need for more substitutes, let’s make sure we shower our teachers with as much prayer and care as we can afford in the coming week.
Hospitality at Mass

In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “hospitality” literally means “love of strangers.” We know that every weekend we have strangers coming to our Masses. Some have been coming for years, others are just checking us out for the first time. Our hospitality efforts will be focused on welcoming the stranger. It’s not only a “best practice” for growing churches, it’s also a Gospel mandate. We hope to launch our first hospitality ministry at the St. Joan of Arc 5:30pm Mass in the coming weeks. TJ Simpson, our Director of Evangelization, will take the lead on this endeavor. The first training date is set for Sunday, Feb 13 at 9am at SJA. If you’re interested, plan to attend even if you are a St. Thomas More parishioner. If you have questions, contact TJ at 402-556-1456 ext. 203 or tjsimpson@midtowncatholic.church.
Help Wanted

Midtown Catholic is looking for someone to help with weddings for both parishes. Between the two parishes we have about 20 weddings a year. Wedding Coordinators have been used at St. Thomas More for a number of years and have proved to be very helpful for not only helping the clergy but the couples as well. This is a paid position. Email Fr. Lorig if you are interested in learning more @ jplorig@midtowncatholic.church.
St. Thomas More Parish Dinner

This Sunday, January 30th – Come one, come all! From 11:30 am to 6:00 pm at STM Cafeteria. Menu- Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chicken Thigh, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans $10 for adults, $7 for children under 10. Hosted by the STM Men’s Club.
Walk for Life