Midweek at Midtown – January 19, 2022

We are excited to hear this week that the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Thomas More is up and running again. However, it could use several more members in order for it to be sustainable. Remember, the SVdP helps those in need in our neighborhood. Could you spare a couple of hours a month to help? Contact Maureen Roberts to learn more – mroberts@nebraskamed.com.
Hymnals at SJA
St. Joan of Arc parishioners may have noticed that we still do not the new hymnals in the pews yet, only the missalettes. They were ordered before Advent, but there seems to some problems somewhere. We’ll continue to reach out to Oregon Catholic Press to get them in our pews as soon as possible.
Return Program
Do you have a loved one who has stopped practicing the faith?
Are you unsure of what to say to them?
Do you want to help be an instrument of the Holy Spirit in their lives?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this program is for you.
Through 7 sessions, Return is aimed at equipping participants with tools, techniques and the confidence to draw their loved one back to the Catholic Church.
Contact TJ Simpson for registration information
TJ Simpson
Director of Evangelization
402-556-1456 ext. 203
Spiritual Gifts
Both Fr. Frank and Fr. Lorig spoke about spiritual gifts in last week’s homilies. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?
How about some examples? The Catherine of Siena Institute has identified 24 of the most common charisms and provide resources for discernment. Here is a list:
Focus: nurture of individuals & community
Encouragement; Hospitality; Helps; Pastoring; Mercy
Focus: transforming lives through communicating truth
Evangelism; Prophecy; Teaching
Focus: meeting structural needs of organization/group
Giving; Leadership; Service; Administration
Focus: being a channel of God’s healing & restoration
Healing; Intercessory Prayer
Focus: understanding the ways of God and humanity
Knowledge; Wisdom; Discernment of Spirits
Focus: distinctive lifestyle and freedom for unusual ministry
Celibacy; Faith; Missionary; Voluntary Poverty
Focus: creative activity that orders and beautifies
Craftsmanship; Music; Writing
St. Thomas More Dinner – Sunday, January 30th
Come one, come all! From 11:30 am to 6:00 pm at STM Cafeteria. Menu- Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chicken Thigh, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans $10 for adults, $7 for children under 10. Hosted by the STM Men’s Club.