Midweek at Midtown – January 12
The St. Thomas More calendars have finally arrived! This might not seem like that big of a deal but we have had a lot of inquiries. It’s good to know that these calendars are used. The calendars can be picked up in the back of the church.
Pancake Breakfast Cancelled
With the surge of Covid cases recently, the St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus has decided to cancel the pancake breakfast that was scheduled for this weekend.
Scrip and Hope
Scrip and Hope are two ways of say the same thing: easy fundraising for parishes. Purchase a gift card after Mass, use the gift card, and then the parish gets paid. It’s that easy. https://midtowncatholic.church/scrip-and-hope/
Bulletin Article
Fr. Frank is the author of this weekend’s bulletin front-page column. He discusses the need for change in our current circumstances. Read here.
Masks at Mass
Covid 19 and the Omicron variant are ramping up and you are sure to be aware of Omaha’s new mask mandate. The mandate will be effect for all parish office visitors. We will continue to encourage masks at Mass, but they will not be required, and the mandate is not enforced for religious services at this time, but we will follow any guidance from the city and county.