4804 Grover Street, Omaha, NE 68106

Midweek at Midtown – January 5, 2022

Midweek at Midtown – January 5, 2022

Have heard that our Mass schedule is changing?

It made sense to reduce our Masses, which you can read about here, but it was a lot harder to figure out a new schedule. It primarily came down keeping the most well-attended Masses in place.

St. Joan of Arc’s “best” Mass is its 5:00pm Mass. It is moving to 5:30, a minor change, so that when we eventually get permission for a 4pm Mass at St. Thomas More, one priest will be able to take both Masses. The 10:30am Mass at St. Thomas More is its most well-attended Mass and has the most young families attending so we didn’t want to mess with that either.

Welcoming Back Family Members to the Faith

Have you experienced the pain of seeing someone you love fall away from practicing the Catholic faith? You’re not alone. Starting February 2, 2022, Midtown Catholic will be hosting a program called Return which consists of 7 weekly workshops. We don’t have all the details worked out yet, but you can learn more about the program here. If you already know you want to be a part this program, contact TJ Simpson at 402-556-1456 or tjsimpson@midtowncatholic.church.

Alpha at SJA Starts Tonight

You don’t need to register, you can just show up.

The Alpha Course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, where guests have an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere where no question about life or God is too simple or too hostile. The course meets once per week (dinner included) for 10 weeks at 6:30 pm. Two course are being offered this Winter –Wednesdays at St. Joan of Arc and Thursdays at St. Thomas More

Fr. Frank’s Sunday Morning Classes Resume

Father Frank will be restarting his Sunday morning classes this month. The classes will be from 9:10 am to 10:15 am in the STM cafeteria. The first class will be Sunday, January 9th and will be a look at the nativity narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Each class will be on a separate topic. In February, the classes will be held at St. Joan of Arc. No need to register prior to the class.

Help Wanted: Wedding Coordinators

Midtown Catholic is looking for someone to help with weddings for both parishes. Between the two parishes we have about 20 weddings a year. Wedding Coordinators have been used at St. Thomas More for a number of years and have proved to be very helpful for not only helping the clergy but the couples as well. This is a paid position. Email Fr. Lorig if you are interested in learning more @ jplorig@midtowncatholic.church.

You can now give 0nline giving for your tithing at both parishes.

Give to St. Joan of Arc

Give to St. Thomas More